I think many of the times, we find ourselves in a spot where we think that in order to love ourselves, we first must be loved by someone else.
I do not have to give you a whole speech about how loving yourself will change you. Or how loving yourself is the ultimate way to grow. I am sure many of you know how important loving yourself is. We all know it, but it's not as easy as 1, 2, 3. There are levels to it though.
I think for me, it took many years of falling, of mental instability, of disliking one's self. Until one day, I just woke up and it happened. I was in love with who I looked at in the mirror. I was in love with my own personality. I was in love with my smile and the attributes I was given. Did it take a long time? Yes. Do I still have a whole lot to accomplish? HELL YES! But the point is, there wasn't some special recipe. There is nothing I can tell you that will literally change your mind into believing in yourself, loving yourself. It's truly a journey, that is different for everyone. And what may work for me, may not work for you.
Growth doesn't happen overnight, but it surely takes times. It's like chipping away day-by-day, hoping that those little chips finally give you what you want. My advice to anyone out there who is listening is find something you like/love to do and stick with it. Even when you want to give up, stick with it. Even if you have to put it down for a couple days, week, months; come back to it, the rewards will come. I promise you. They will.
Chantal Roaché
Writer. Poet. Author